eyeDnow enables organizations to adopt and implement the best visual identity verification and customer-onboarding process using a real-time, encrypted video communication.
Features that makes eyeDnow one of its kind:
DEW enables developers to create enterprise-level software applications in hours.
eNotary On Call is a cost-effective platform designed to allows customers to connect for virtual Notarization with a simple and easy four step process. eNotary On Call allows both the parties, notary and the customer to transact through a secure meeting while capturing signature to sign any document.
The Payroll Management System covers all government-mandated forms for companies to maintain and provides these forms in an easy-to-use format for both employees and employer, saving time over manually processing.
The Recruiters Candidate and requirement Management System helps in managing the recruitment process from initial client proposal to final offer acceptance.
Teems is an intuitive yet powerful web-based timesheet that simplifies time and expense management. It is an entirely web-based product with easy to use interface and accessible from all popular platforms and web browsers. Once an employee provides the timesheet to his/her immediate supervisor, it is either approved or rejected .If approved it gets forwarded to the next level supervisor. After the approval from the third level supervisor, the timesheets are updated in the system. The TEEMS then notifies pending time entry and also for approved timesheets. The system would also notify for rejected timesheets. The TEEMS can be easily installed on local servers. It enables expense entry view for employee to enter their expenses occurred on project and detail reports for monitoring expenses.
We make sure that we deploy the right human resources into the right projects best suiting both the candidate and company’s prospective. We perform human resource planning and management to ensure the same.